How Much Will it Cost Me?

The following figures are meant to help tax payers see what $1.0092 property tax will calculate on various values and the difference between tax rates of 1.0092 and 0.8892.

$40,000 x 1.0092 = $403.68 This is $48 more than the .8892 / 12 months = $4.00 per month
$40,000 x 0.8892 = $355.68

60,000 x 1.0092 = $605.52 This is $72 more than .8892 /12 months = $6.00 per month
60,000 x 0.8892 = 533.52

80,000 x 1.0092 = $807.36 This is $96 more than .8892 / 12 months = $8.00 per month
80,000 x 0.8892 = 711.36

100,000 x 1.0092 = $1,009.20 This is $120 more than .8892 / 12 months = $10 per month
100,000 x 0.8892 = 889.20

100,000 x 0.97 = $970 which is $39 less than 1.0092 as stated in the "Notice"