Timeline JHS
9th Grade - Freshman Year
Posted by: Take Kuder Career AssessmentReview your high school program of study with your counselor and parents.Partiicpate in a variety of extra-curricular activities.Participate in community service activities.
10th Grade - Sophomore Year
Posted by: August
Check credits to make sure you are on schedule for graduation.
Check with your guidance counselor to make sure your courses meet college entrance requirements. September
Sign up with your counselor to take PSAT. Cost is $15 for sophomores.
Take PSAT test.
11th Grade - Junior Year
Posted by: Summer
Spend time volunteering.
Check credits to make sure you are on schedule for graduation.
Check with your guidance counselor to make sure your courses meet college entrance requirements.
Decide where you will go for campus visits.You have two per year this year and next.
Register to take the PSAT.
Take the ASVAB test.
Register to take the ACT.
Register to take the SAT.
Attend College Fair.
March & April
Plan college visits.
Student athletes should register with the NCAA Clearinghouse.
Plan a program of study for your senior year
Sign up for any Spring SAT and ACT if prior scores do not meet requirements.
12th Grade - Senior Year
Posted by: August
Select your top three college choices.
Get recommendations.
Meet with your guidance counselor to review your records.
Begin your applications on ApplyTexas.org.
Check college catalogs for deadline dates for applications for admissions, housing, financial aid, required entrance
exams (ACT/SAT), and acceptable financial aid form (FFS or FAFSA).
Re-register for the SAT and ACT if needed.
Schedule college tours.
Pick up all recommendation letters.
Make sure you have the meningitis shot (can't attend college without it).
Get a copy of shot records from the school nurse to Mrs. Gardner.
Complete and submit all early deadline college applications.
Retake SAT/ACT if needed.
Attend Financial Aid Night and PIN Night.
Continue to study hard because your GPA still counts until the end of your fifth six weeks.
Complete college applications for admissions.
All college applications must be submitted by December 15th.
Attend local scholarship information night.
Local scholarship packets are handed out. Deadlines are critical.
You and your parents begin gathering financial information in preparation for filling out the FAFSA.
Be ready with income tax returns for FAFSA night. Howard College will be in Junction to help you
submit your FAFSA. (must have income tax returns).
Local scholarships are due.
Make a commitment to your college and begin housing applications and parking permits.
Notify your guidance counselor of your final college choice and whether you have been awarded any scholarships
(academic, athletic, artistic, dramatic, musical, and financial aid).
Request that a final transcript be sent to the college of your choice.
Request a Howard College transcript if you took dual credit classes at JHS.
Turn in all complete college addresses to Mrs. Gardner so final transcripts can be mailed. Make sure you have also
given the high school counselor your shot records.