Other Scholarships
Scholarship Deadline & Who Should Apply Website or Application Wendy's Heisman http://www.WendysHeisman.com Horatio Alger http://www.horatioalger.org/scholarships Ronald McDonald http://www.RMHCsouthwest.com Smarterbucks Scholarship http://www.SmarterBucks.com/1KScholarship Aspiring Phamacy Technician http://www.pharmacytechnicianreview.com Aspiring animation Professional http://www.animationcareerreview.com Free Speech Essay Contest http://www.thefire.org The American Legion Scholarship Pedernales Electric Cooperative (PEC) http://www.pec.coop/scholarship Exotic Wildlife Association Application is available in the counselor's office. Charles, Lela, Mary Slough Foundation Scholarship http://www.midland.edu/slough Best Buy http://pr.bby.com San Angelo Area Foundation http://www.saafound.org Capital Farm Capital Farm Scholarship Forms Texas Trial Lawyers Pick this application up in Mrs. Gardner's Office Al's Formal Wear http://www.alsformalwear.com/scholarship James Bader Scholarship Pick this application up in Mrs. Gardner's office. Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers Sheep & Goat Raisers Scholarship Form Student with Vision Scholarship Program http://www.aim.applyists.net/Vision TILF Scholarship Students who have competeed at state in UIL academics are eligible. http://www.uiltexas.org/tilf/scholarships Body by Milk Rewards student athletes who demonstrate excellence in athletics, academics, and community service. http://www.bodybymilk.com Gates Millenium Scholarship http://www.gmsp.org Lowe's Scholarship http://www.lowes.com/lowes/kn?action=pg&p=Scholarship/lowesfoundation_120606.html New Merit Scholarship at Texas Tech http://www.scholarships.ttu.edu Ozarka Ever Drop Counts Earth Science Scholarship http://www.OZARKAWATER.com San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo Scholarship Applicants must have participated in the SA Stock Show. http://www.sanangelorodeo.com Terry Foundation http://www.terryfoundation.org/about_foundation/how_to_apply.php Texas Farm Bureau http://www.txfb.org/NewsManager/templates/youth.asp?articleid=594&zoneid=11 Texas Lyceum http://www.texaslyceum.org/scholarships.aspx Texas Trial Lawyers Association http://www.ttla.com Dove Hunters Scholarship
Students must be seniors, pursuing a degree at an accredited 4 Year, Junior College or Tech School. Students must be hunting enthusiasts and support the preservation of hunting. They must submit a copy of proof of completion of a hunter safety course or their current Texas hunting license. http://www.texasdovehunters.com
Ozarka Natural Spring Water Students must be a US and Texas Citizens, have a 3.0 or above grade point average, and pursuing Earth/Environmental Sciences at an accredited 4-year college or university. http://www.nestlewaterstx.com Harvey Hilderbran Pick Applications up in the Counselor's Office Texas Hospitality http://www.TexasHospitalityAssociation.com
Minority Financial Aide Guide http://www.onlineschools.org/financial-aid/minority/
Odenza Marketing Scholarship March 30th http://www.studentscholarships.org/scholarship/9919/odenza_marketing_group_scholarship.php SP $10,000 Scholarship
April 1st http://www.studentscholarships.org/SP_Scholarship_Program.ph
Good Call Scholarship http://www.goodcall.com/scholarships/search